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  • 永嘉县德美特阀门有限公司
  • 联 系 人: 杨小姐 (小姐)
  • 电  话: 0577-57980788
  • 移动电话: 13676717217
  • 传  真:
  • 地  址: 浙江永嘉鸥北浦一工业区二中路口

GUQ型-气动高真空(压力)球阀 ■ GUQ型气动高真空(压力)球阀是通过电磁换向阀改变气路方向,控制执行气缸来驱动球阀,达到接通或切断真空(压力)系统管道路中的介质流。应用于真空、乳制品、酒业、生物工程、食品、制药、饮料、化妆品及化工领域。可选配反馈信号装置及电气阀门定位器。 ■ GUQ Pneumatic High Vacuum(Pressure)Ball Valve ■ Rack-and Pinion system owners, nonprofit organizations, and office workers who produced in-house newsletters, bulletins, and the like, and who mostly used Windows-based Purchase. Orkers who produced in-house newsletters, bulletins, and the like, and who mostly used Windows-based Purchase and fixed position of the electricity valve machine.